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CBN Partners are making a difference sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Find out how. – MICHELLE WILSON (reporting): Is it possible to be a Christian, love God, and struggle with sexual sin?
TY ADAMS: I was going to church like a lot of people, going to Sunday School, quoting Scriptures, but I was still living actively in sexual sin because my mind hadn't caught up to who I was. I was still living two lives.
WILSON (reporting): Ever since Ty Adams was abused at the age of 7, she
struggled with sex. She endured six years of molestation, and for almost 21
years Ty viewed or experienced nearly every sexual perversion possible. Even
after she made the decision to follow Jesus Christ, Ty struggled to live a
sexually pure life. We asked her why.
TY ADAMS: I always thought that I had to get it right first and then I come to God. I didn't know that God was going to continue to keep being good to me. That's what led me to Him. I didn't know the lifestyle of a Christian, and, for that matter, I didn't even know how to live it. How do you get to that point? God had to take me through an entire sanctification process, an entire renewal process, where I had to learn how to live holy.
MICHELLE WILSON: How did you do that?
TY ADAMS: Nights of crying on the floor, praying, crying out, and getting honest with who I was, getting to the point where I had to say, 'God, I need you to do this. I can't fix this.'
MICHELLE WILSON: When she would fail and fall into sexual sin, Ty learned about the grace of God - and His forgiveness.
TY ADAMS: God kept loving on me. Every time I messed up, every time that I failed, every time that I slipped and sometimes I just said, 'Forget it, I'm never gone live right. Forget it,' He still would continue to forgive me, just kept loving me, and that was breaking me down.
MICHELLE WILSON: So when did you come to the point where you were totally living in freedom from sexual sin?
ADAMS: It was a process where God had to take me through the pruning stages,
where He had to rid all of the contamination - every single thing that I learned
as a child about sex, every contamination from the molestation, every contamination
from even the consensual sexual partners I had.
You have to start making some decisions in your life. After awhile it ain't 'Oops! the devil' anymore. I had to start making some decisions - No, I'm not going to do that anymore. No. I am gone live holy. Yes, I am gone live Romans 12:1. I am gone live a holy, consecrated, set apart lifestyle for God.
God would say, 'Make a date with Me every day, and don't you stand Me up. Don't treat Me like the men you did when you were in the world.' And so I started developing that intimate relationship every single day. I started spending personal time with God in prayer, allowing God to expose some things in my life that I was open to that I was allowing the setbacks and traps to entangle me.
MICHELLE WILSON (reporting): Today Ty Adams is one of the most sought-after speakers in the country. In her book, Single, Saved and Having Sex, Ty boldly talks about how to break free from sexual addictions. Her book has remained on the top ten list for several months at bookstores everywhere.
(to Ty): How did you get that title? Many people say, 'Single, saved and having sex'?
TY ADAMS: It's funny, Michelle, because even though the title, Single, Saved and Having Sex is a shock, 70-80 percent of the body of Christ wears that title. We come into church with all of this baggage from the world, and people say, 'Now live Holy.'
MICHELLE WILSON: And you learn to wear a mask.
TY ADAMS: Yes, and you learn how to be pretty in church, and you go home in all of this torment, addicted and bound in sexual perversion and in sexual sin. In a struggle, know you love God. It's amazing because the e-mails that I get, these are not uncircumcised Philistines. These are people who go to church from around the world. Different cultures, different nationalities e-mail me and they say, 'I love God, but I want to be set free.'
WILSON (reporting): God is using Ty, and how she overcame her life struggles
with sexual sin, to bring deliverance back to the church.
TY ADAMS: God is still a forgiving God. He's still a deliverer. All you have to do is say, 'Daddy, I need You. I want to come out of this struggle. I want to live my life for You. I want to live my life for You 100 percent. I want to give my all to You.' That's all God is waiting for is a surrendered heart.
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