word of knowledge
The Power of a Television Prayer
By Rob Hull
The 700 Club
Phyllis Egland remembers suffering with a painful shoulder injury.
“Everything I had to do, I had to do with one arm,” remembers Phyllis. “I could not hold a cup of coffee in my hand without supporting my arm with my other arm. So you know there was no strength in it. It was debilitating and it was very painful. I was on the medication.”
Phyllis’s doctor visited her doctor who didn’t have good news.
“I went to my family doctor first, he said he ordered an MRI. The MRI showed that there needed to be repair in the shoulder socket and in the tendon. I was not looking forward to the surgery and the six weeks that it takes for recovery and therapy.”
Then one day Phyllis watched a 700 Club episode she had recorded a few days earlier.
“I remember when I turned on The 700 Club that day I was in a lot of pain, and I said, ‘God I will be so thankful when I am done with this pain.’ It came to the part where they were praying for people, they were calling out different things, word of knowledge and then Gordon said, ‘There’s some woman, you’ve been diagnosed with bone spurs and your right shoulder is causing fraying of the tendons and tremendous pain, God’s taking the spurs away from you now.’”
“And I thought, ‘Can that be my shoulder?’”
“Gordon continued, ‘Do what you couldn't do before, begin to move that right shoulder and realize you been completely and totally healed.’”
“I moved, there was no pain,” says Phyllis. “I said, ‘it is my shoulder thank you God. This is my turn.’ And I started moving my arm all around everywhere I could not move it before and (there was) absolutely no pain, no pain whatsoever. And I had strength in that arm immediately. And so I was just so thankful for God's goodness. I just thanked him for getting that extra love gift that day.”
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