The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Superbook: a Fun and Easy Way to Share the Bible with Grandchildren

By Michelle Wilson
The 700 Club - Jack and Kate love Superbook! Their new favorite is “Revelation: The Final Battle!”

Jack says, “Like in the future whenever the final battle begins and whenever Satan will be taken away is whenever all sin will be gone, sickness, death - it will all be gone and the people that believe in Jesus will get to go to heaven.”

Kate says, “My favorite scene is when Jesus and all the angels are coming to attack the devil and all his army.”

And out of all of the Superbook DVD stories the character Jack really loves is Gizmo.  

“He’s just really funny and he’s a robot and he can do crazy stuff like make a force field and fly around.  It’s really cool.”

Every month Jack and Kate get a new episode from their grandparents Ronny and Jody Walker. They signed up for the Superbook club when they saw it was a great way to teach their grandchildren about the Bible.

“The animation is so top quality.  I love it.  The fact that the word of God is going out through the stories. It’s a great way for them to catch the word of God,” says Jody.

Their mom Stephanie loves to see Jack and Kate learn truths about God in a way they can understand and enjoy!

“I do like that both of my kids are very educated when it comes to the Bible now and they enjoy the stories. But they’re learning and they can repeat scripture back to me.”

Kate shares, “Superbook has changed my life of how to be kind to people and how to every night, just go and pray to Him.”

The end of every Superbook gives kids an opportunity to accept Jesus as their savior through a salvation song Kate knows by heart. 

As CBN partners, Ronny and Jody are thrilled that their gifts to CBN help make Superbook possible. 

“Children around the world that may never hear the gospel any other way will see it through Superbook.  It is such a blessing to be a part of that,” says Ronny.

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